Lead Compensation
D_c(s)=\frac{T_Ds+1}{\alpha T_Ds+1},\ \alpha < 1
The phase contributed by the lead compensator is given by
\phi = \tan^{-1}(T_D \omega) - \tan^{-1}(\alpha T_D \omega)
Maximum phase occurs when the frequency is
\omega_{\mbox{max}} = \frac{1}{T_D\sqrt{\alpha}}
\sin \phi_{\mbox{max}}=\frac{1-\alpha}{1+\alpha}\ \mbox{or}\ \alpha = \frac{1-\sin \phi_{\mbox{max}}}{1+\sin \phi_{\mbox{max}}}
Design Procedure
Determine the gain \(K\) to satisfy error requirement.
Evaluate the PM of the uncompensated system using the value of \(K\) obtained from step 1.
Allow for \(5^{\circ}\) to \(10^{\circ}\) more margin, and determine the needed phase lead \(\phi_{\mbox{max}}\).
Determine \(\alpha\) from \(\alpha = \frac{1 − \sin \phi_{\mbox{max}}}{1 + \sin \phi_{\mbox{max}}}\).
Find \(\omega\) such that \(|KD_c(s)G(s)| = 1\), i.e. \(|K G(s)|=\sqrt{\alpha}\). The zero is then at \(1/T_D = \omega\sqrt{\alpha}\) and the pole is at \(1/(\alpha T_D) = \omega /\sqrt{\alpha}\).
Check the resulting PM.
Iterate design by adjusting compensator parameters until all specifications are met. Add additional lead compensator (double-lead compensator) if necessary.
Lag Compensation
D_c(s) = \frac{T_Is+1}{\alpha T_Is+1},\ \alpha > 1
Determine the gain \(K\) to satisfy error requirement.
Determine the frequency where the PM requirement would be satisfied if the magnitude curve crossed the 0-dB line at this frequency (allow for additional \(5^{\circ}\)in PM).
Find how much gain reduction is required at that frequency, i.e. compute the gain of the uncompensated system, \(|KG(jω)|\), at this frequency, the magnitude of the lag compensator, \(|Dc(jω)|\), is the inverse of this gain (\(\frac{1}{|KG(j\omega)|}\)) such that \(|KD_c(j\omega)G(j\omega)| = 1\).
We also know that at high frequencies, \(|D_c(j\omega)| \approx \frac{1}{\alpha}\). Find \(\alpha\).
Next, place the lag compensator zero, \(\frac{1}{T}\) at least \(1\) decade below the frequency computed from step 2, i.e. \(T = 10/\omega\).
Check the resulting PM.
Iterate design by adjusting compensator parameters until all specifications are met.
Lead compensation, \(D_c(s) = \frac{Ts + 1}{\alpha Ts + 1},\ \alpha < 1\), adds phase lead at a frequency band between the two break-points. Lead compensation will increase both the crossover frequency and the speed of the response.
Lag compensation, \(D_c(s) = \frac{Ts + 1}{\alpha Ts+1},\ \alpha < 1\), can be used to decrease the frequency response magnitude at frequencies above the two break-points so that \(\omega_c\) yields acceptable phase margin. Typically it provides a slower response compare to lead compensation.