Lead Compensation

D_c(s)=\frac{T_Ds+1}{\alpha T_Ds+1},\ \alpha < 1

The phase contributed by the lead compensator is given by

\phi = \tan^{-1}(T_D \omega) - \tan^{-1}(\alpha T_D \omega)

Maximum phase occurs when the frequency is

\omega_{\mbox{max}} = \frac{1}{T_D\sqrt{\alpha}}


\sin \phi_{\mbox{max}}=\frac{1-\alpha}{1+\alpha}\ \mbox{or}\ \alpha = \frac{1-\sin \phi_{\mbox{max}}}{1+\sin \phi_{\mbox{max}}}

Design Procedure

  1. Determine the gain \(K\) to satisfy error requirement.

  2. Evaluate the PM of the uncompensated system using the value of \(K\) obtained from step 1.

  3. Allow for \(5^{\circ}\) to \(10^{\circ}\) more margin, and determine the needed phase lead \(\phi_{\mbox{max}}\).

  4. Determine \(\alpha\) from \(\alpha = \frac{1 − \sin \phi_{\mbox{max}}}{1 + \sin \phi_{\mbox{max}}}\).

  5. Find \(\omega\) such that \(|KD_c(s)G(s)| = 1\), i.e. \(|K G(s)|=\sqrt{\alpha}\). The zero is then at \(1/T_D = \omega\sqrt{\alpha}\) and the pole is at \(1/(\alpha T_D) = \omega /\sqrt{\alpha}\).

  6. Check the resulting PM.

  7. Iterate design by adjusting compensator parameters until all specifications are met. Add additional lead compensator (double-lead compensator) if necessary.

Lag Compensation

D_c(s) = \frac{T_Is+1}{\alpha T_Is+1},\ \alpha > 1


  1. Determine the gain \(K\) to satisfy error requirement.

  2. Determine the frequency where the PM requirement would be satisfied if the magnitude curve crossed the 0-dB line at this frequency (allow for additional \(5^{\circ}\)in PM).

  3. Find how much gain reduction is required at that frequency, i.e. compute the gain of the uncompensated system, \(|KG(jω)|\), at this frequency, the magnitude of the lag compensator, \(|Dc(jω)|\), is the inverse of this gain (\(\frac{1}{|KG(j\omega)|}\)) such that \(|KD_c(j\omega)G(j\omega)| = 1\).

  4. We also know that at high frequencies, \(|D_c(j\omega)| \approx \frac{1}{\alpha}\). Find \(\alpha\).

  5. Next, place the lag compensator zero, \(\frac{1}{T}\) at least \(1\) decade below the frequency computed from step 2, i.e. \(T = 10/\omega\).

  6. Check the resulting PM.

  7. Iterate design by adjusting compensator parameters until all specifications are met.


Lead compensation, \(D_c(s) = \frac{Ts + 1}{\alpha Ts + 1},\ \alpha < 1\), adds phase lead at a frequency band between the two break-points. Lead compensation will increase both the crossover frequency and the speed of the response.

Lag compensation, \(D_c(s) = \frac{Ts + 1}{\alpha Ts+1},\ \alpha < 1\), can be used to decrease the frequency response magnitude at frequencies above the two break-points so that \(\omega_c\) yields acceptable phase margin. Typically it provides a slower response compare to lead compensation.